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Introduction to Year 4

By the time children arrive in Year 4, they are firmly established in KS2.  As a result, we have high expectations of them in terms of independence and resilience.  Year 4 offers children a host of exciting  and magical opportunities to develop their skills in a creative and enjoyable environment.

We have three classes: 4Anning, 4Hawking and 4Turing.  These are all named after famous British Scientists (the palaeontologist Mary Anning, the physicist Stephen Hawking and the code breaker Alan Turing).  We hope these inspirational Britons help inspire our children to aspire to great things.

At the end of Year 4, all children take part in a national check testing their knowledge of times table facts.  As such, learning tables as early as possible is a key objective for everyone!

A real highlight of Year 4 is our spring residential, where the whole year group goes away for two amazing days (and nights) taking part in activities like abseiling, canoeing, climbing and – most challenging of all – making our own beds! We visit “High Adventure”, a local outdoor education centre for this experience. You can click HERE to access their website